My reflection far from rippled,
Pellucid waters in its pristine glory,
Fall prey to my charismatic existence.
Faint hue of celestial blue, encompass my being.
An etched moment for an eloquent memoir,
Of deep and profound meaning.
Magnetic glare won’t hold forever.
Between the muted silence,
Between the boisterous rhythm,
I am here in purest of flesh,
In the palpable present.
There is no other choice,
But to bask in this resplendent shine.
Bare and bountiful,
Unfazed and undaunted,
As a wanderer roaming aimlessly,
With a heart full of sheer bliss.
This is the Now!
A captivating moment one must, genuinely relish.

(c) Monica St Hillaire, 2024.



Reflection of myself,
Clarion waters oscillate,
Seizing a moment of,
Illuminating sunlight.
Peace combines with serenity,
As bliss intricately descends,
Utopia materialized,
Before my very eyes.
So much clarity within the water,
Floating leaves motion toward me.
Tear drops begin to fall,
I've never had this surreal moment,
Nor will it happen again,.
In this Flawless sequence.
So to seize this setting,
Hold it prisoner,
In my time capsule.
Meticulously memorizing,
Each picturesque scene.
Sunbeam compliments my tresses,
Sparkle my eyes in unison,
With its forceful strike.
Standing motionless,
As leaves draw near.
Paradise exists indeed,
If we take a minute to rally,
Around these serendipitous seconds,
Encryption we may just eradicate,
From life's mystery.

(c) Monica St Hillaire, 2021.



Woman, dry your tears and cry no more,
Not oblivious to your trials before,
The weight of the world is not yours to bear,
Speak to God without unease and fear.
Amidst this flowing river,
Make peace with your creator,
Immobile wounds do not condone,
Leave your burdens by this river stone.

Woman, dry your tears and cry no more,
Like clustered debris upon a sandy shore,
May your pain be successfully buried,
Answers you have often queried.
Cast them in crystal water,
Dawn of your ever after,
As a queen departing her throne,
Leave your burdens by this river stone.

Woman, dry your tears and cry no more,
Here in nature's solace you can rest assure,
Now relinquish and instantly release,
Heartache will promptly decrease.
As the whitest doves fly by,
In a celestial sky,
Signifies you are not alone,
Leave your burdens by this river stone.

(c) Monica St Hillaire, 2021



Make them flow,
Those unsung words.
You know,
Like the Orinoco…
Effortlessly effuse,
Undulate until,
A graceful churn,
In translucent harmony,
Streams in elegance.
Be the bearer of,
Good news.
Sturdy bridge,
That conveys nothing,
But connection.
Paramount piece,
To a fairy tale’s,
Happy ending.
Beckon hidden words,
To excite, unite,
vigorously ignite,
And please do invite,
With ringside seats for,
Symmetrical savvy verses.
Do not shroud,
The shrewdness,
That is your brilliant mind.
Like an evening tide,
Make them ebb and flow.
Endlessly and aimlessly,
Like the Orinoco.

(c) Monica St Hillaire, 2021.